Where every learner thrives

Our vision is for every student to be the best that they can be.

Our mission is to inspire creativity and nurture global citizens and leaders of the future.

Our shared purpose is to create a joyful and inclusive learning community where every learner can thrive.


Discover Our Vision

Where every learner thrives

Our vision is for every student to be the best that they can be.

Our mission is to inspire creativity and nurture global citizens and leaders of the future.

Our shared purpose is to create a joyful and inclusive learning community where every learner can thrive.


Discover Our Vision

What can Hillside offer your family?

  • SIS offers icon-6

    ESF Network

    As part of the English Schools Foundation(ESF), our students are supported by the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong, providing them the resources and opportunities not found outside of ESF Schools.

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  • World-class Education

    World-Class Curriculum

    Our kindergarten offers the prestigious International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, providing a global perspective and preparing children for success.

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  • Real-world Experience

    Inclusive Community

    We celebrate diversity and create a welcoming environment where every child feels valued and supported.

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  • Well-rounded Education

    Exciting Learning Adventures

    Our engaging approach sparks curiosity, fosters creativity, and ignites a lifelong love for learning.

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  • Comprehensive Student Support

    Expert and Caring Educators

    Our passionate educators bring expertise and warmth, nurturing each child's individual strengths and fostering a love for exploration.

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  • Strong School-Family Connection

    Strong Collaborative Partnerships

    We believe in strong collaboration with parents, working together to ensure your child's growth and happiness every step of the way.

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Copy of hillsidek_esf_6471


Engaging Play-Based Learning
Engaging Play-Based Learning
Holistic Transdisciplinary Curriculum
Inclusion, Well-being, and Language Development

At Hillside, children learn through play-based inquiry, fostering curiosity and relevance. We empower independent learners and critical thinkers, encouraging action and making a difference. Discover a typical day at Hillside and the power of play in supporting learning.

Learn more

Our PYP curriculum integrates subject knowledge and concepts through a comprehensive Programme of Inquiry (POI). Students explore transdisciplinary themes and subject areas, developing global perspectives and balanced learning. Holistic assessment and strong home-school partnerships ensure continuous growth and communication.

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At Hillside, we create a vibrant learning community that values inclusion, well-being, and language proficiency. Positive relationships, leadership opportunities, and intentional learning environments support agency and inquiry-based learning. Language skills are nurtured through multiliteracies, fostering academic excellence and a strong home-school partnership.

Learn more

School Activities


Explore the Wonders of Transdisciplinary Learning

Science, art, sensory activities, and mathematics come together in our transdisciplinary experiences. Children engage in hands-on experiments, unleash their artistic talents, and develop critical thinking skills, fostering a holistic approach to learning across various subjects.

Find out more

Immerse in the World of Stories

Dive into an enchanting world of books in our library. Children listen to captivating stories and conduct research for their projects, fostering a love for reading and expanding their knowledge.

Find out more

Unleash Creativity in our Outdoor Playground

Our outdoor playground, garden, and mud kitchen provide endless opportunities for children to play, explore, and build. From imaginative structures to messy fun, children channel their creativity and develop essential skills while enjoying the great outdoors.

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Bring Learning to Life through Role Play

Step into the world of make-believe as children engage in role play. Acting out scenarios and situations, they develop a sense of the real world and gain meaningful and relevant learning experiences that enhance their understanding and empathy.

Find out more

Explore the Wonders of Transdisciplinary Learning

Science, art, sensory activities, and mathematics come together in our transdisciplinary experiences. Children engage in hands-on experiments, unleash their artistic talents, and develop critical thinking skills, fostering a holistic approach to learning across various subjects.

Find out more

Immerse in the World of Stories

Dive into an enchanting world of books in our library. Children listen to captivating stories and conduct research for their projects, fostering a love for reading and expanding their knowledge.

Find out more

Unleash Creativity in our Outdoor Playground

Our outdoor playground, garden, and mud kitchen provide endless opportunities for children to play, explore, and build. From imaginative structures to messy fun, children channel their creativity and develop essential skills while enjoying the great outdoors.

Find out more

Bring Learning to Life through Role Play

Step into the world of make-believe as children engage in role play. Acting out scenarios and situations, they develop a sense of the real world and gain meaningful and relevant learning experiences that enhance their understanding and empathy.

Find out more

Explore the Wonders of Transdisciplinary Learning

Science, art, sensory activities, and mathematics come together in our transdisciplinary experiences. Children engage in hands-on experiments, unleash their artistic talents, and develop critical thinking skills, fostering a holistic approach to learning across various subjects.

Find out more

Immerse in the World of Stories

Dive into an enchanting world of books in our library. Children listen to captivating stories and conduct research for their projects, fostering a love for reading and expanding their knowledge.

Find out more

Unleash Creativity in our Outdoor Playground

Our outdoor playground, garden, and mud kitchen provide endless opportunities for children to play, explore, and build. From imaginative structures to messy fun, children channel their creativity and develop essential skills while enjoying the great outdoors.

Find out more

Bring Learning to Life through Role Play

Step into the world of make-believe as children engage in role play. Acting out scenarios and situations, they develop a sense of the real world and gain meaningful and relevant learning experiences that enhance their understanding and empathy.

Find out more

Explore the Wonders of Transdisciplinary Learning

Science, art, sensory activities, and mathematics come together in our transdisciplinary experiences. Children engage in hands-on experiments, unleash their artistic talents, and develop critical thinking skills, fostering a holistic approach to learning across various subjects.

Find out more

Immerse in the World of Stories

Dive into an enchanting world of books in our library. Children listen to captivating stories and conduct research for their projects, fostering a love for reading and expanding their knowledge.

Find out more


Other Schools
1 / 4

We are so grateful for the supportive and nurturing environment at Hillside and our daughter has had such a positive experience from the very first day at K1, thanks in no small part to the culture of inclusivity and belonging which you all live and demonstrate by example.

We are so grateful for the supportive and nurturing environment at Hillside and our daughter has had such a positive experience from the very first day at K1, thanks in no small part to the culture of inclusivity and belonging which you all live and demonstrate by example.

Parent, 2021-2023

2 / 4

Your school is truly one of the best I have experienced. Just warms my heart to see how my girls are discovering and appreciating their individuality, stretching their inquisitive minds, and just being so happy. Big thank you to you and your team for everything!

Your school is truly one of the best I have experienced. Just warms my heart to see how my girls are discovering and appreciating their individuality, stretching their inquisitive minds, and just being so happy. Big thank you to you and your team for everything!

Parent, 2019-2023

3 / 4

A belated vote of thanks to Hillside for the well run Sports Day, last week. Just the kids’ reaction, from screams of delight to spontaneous laughter was great to see. I think we parents enjoyed it more though…reminded me when alma mater QBS also held its sports day at the Football Club.

A belated vote of thanks to Hillside for the well run Sports Day, last week. Just the kids’ reaction, from screams of delight to spontaneous laughter was great to see. I think we parents enjoyed it more though…reminded me when alma mater QBS also held its sports day at the Football Club.

Parent, 2017-2019

4 / 4

Our children have both loved their time at Hillside and they both learnt so much, whilst having lots of fun in the process. We feel that all of the teachers are great and we would particularly like to mention our son’s teacher, as she really has gone above and beyond the call of duty with him.

Our children have both loved their time at Hillside and they both learnt so much, whilst having lots of fun in the process. We feel that all of the teachers are great and we would particularly like to mention our son’s teacher, as she really has gone above and beyond the call of duty with him.

Parent, 2013-2017

1 / 4

I just wanted to congratulate you and your team on the wonderful children and parents that we have been interviewing this week from Hillside. The inquisitive and joyful learners that you are producing, is a credit to you and the parents that I have interviewed reflect this in my conversations with them.

I just wanted to congratulate you and your team on the wonderful children and parents that we have been interviewing this week from Hillside. The inquisitive and joyful learners that you are producing, is a credit to you and the parents that I have interviewed reflect this in my conversations with them.

John Brewster, Principal, Kennedy School, 2016

Quarry Bay-Sue Yee(1000x1000)
2 / 4

Thank you for hosting us, it was great to see all the children in your lovely environment. We could not stop talking about the next steps for the children and it was full of takeaways and ideas.

Thank you for hosting us, it was great to see all the children in your lovely environment. We could not stop talking about the next steps for the children and it was full of takeaways and ideas.

Sue Yee, Principal, Quarry Bay School

3 / 4

We all thoroughly enjoyed the process and were extremely impressed by the professionalism of the Hillside staff. It was great to hear so many positive comments about the ‘Instructional Rounds’ process and the learning that came from it. Well done to all!

We all thoroughly enjoyed the process and were extremely impressed by the professionalism of the Hillside staff. It was great to hear so many positive comments about the ‘Instructional Rounds’ process and the learning that came from it. Well done to all!

Rebecca Clements, ESF Senior School Development Officer, 2016

4 / 4

Thank you for letting three of our teachers come and visit Hillside today. The teachers found it very informative and it gave them a great example of inquiry based curriculum delivery. Thank you also for sharing the sample planning documents and explaining how they are implemented. It was a wonderful professional development opportunity.

Thank you for letting three of our teachers come and visit Hillside today. The teachers found it very informative and it gave them a great example of inquiry based curriculum delivery. Thank you also for sharing the sample planning documents and explaining how they are implemented. It was a wonderful professional development opportunity.

Susan Ward, Director, Catiline Kindergarten Group, 2017

What's New at Hillside?

🌟 Celebrating Our Amazing Staff! 🎉

We are incredibly proud of our outstanding team at HSK! A special shout-out goes to one of our talented Education Assistants, Barbara, who was recently featured at the ESF All-Staff Conference for her unwavering commitment, especially during the challenging times of COVID.

Barbara led Zoom ballet classes for our children, inspiring them “not to be afraid to take on a challenge.” Her passion for early education truly shines through, and we are so grateful to have her as part of our team.
Check out the video here to see her in action! 🎥

#HSK #esfhillside #StaffSpotlight #EarlyYearsCommunity


A Musical Day at Hillside! 🎶

What an incredible day of music and movement at Hillside thanks to the wonderful Ashley Benusa! Ashley, the music teacher at @beaconhillschool_hk and one of our amazing parent moms, spent the entire day with our children, leading them in singing, creative movement, and exploring instruments. Every class was buzzing with energy and joy! We’re so grateful for your passion and talent.

A special shoutout for the fantastic staff training – we’re all feeling inspired to bring even more musical fun to Hillside! Thank you, Ashley! 🎉🎵👏

#HSK #esfhillside #MusicAndMovement #CreativityisaMuscle


🧪🔬 Little Scientists in Action! 🔬🧪

Our little learners transformed into scientists for a fun and exciting incursion with Curiosity Kids! As part of the “How the World Works” unit, we donned lab coats and goggles, mixed colours, and even created mini explosions. This great provocation sparked our curiosity and got us thinking about how things work!

#HSK #esfhillside #CuriosityKids #IBPYP #HowTheWorldWorks #PlayBasedLearning #InquiryBasedLearning


K1s’ Exciting Adventures at Pamela Peck Discovery Space!

Our K1 students had a fantastic time at the Pamela Peck Discovery Space last week! They explored engaging, open-ended materials and enjoyed environments designed to spark curiosity, teamwork, and healthy risk-taking.

It was a wonderful chance for parents and caregivers to witness their children’s learning through play, understand how they interact with the world, and model the joy of discovery. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child‘s learning in action! 🌟

#HSK #esfhillside #playbasedlearning #parentengagement


🐶🐾 Pawsome Day with Mia! 🐾🐶

Our K1 and K2 students had a fantastic time learning all about dog safety with a special visit from Mia, a therapy dog from Rise Wise! We learned how to approach a dog in a friendly way, how to ask its owner permission to pet it, and Mia even showed us some of her amazing tricks! This fun incursion helped us develop the IB Learner Profile attribute of “caring” by teaching us how to interact with animals responsibly. What a paw-some day!

#HSK #esfhillside #RiseWise #TherapyDog #IBPYP #Caring


🌳🌎 Sharing the Planet with K2s! 🌎🌳

Our K2 explorers kicked off their “Sharing the Planet” unit with an exciting nature walk along Bowen Road! They were super curious inquirers, collecting all sorts of interesting artefacts they found along the way. Some children also noticed trash amongst the leaves and trees and wondered how it ended up there, and if it belonged in our beautiful natural spaces. What do you think? 🤔

#HSK #esfhillside #IBPYP #SharingThePlanet #BowenRoad #InquiryBasedLearning


🌟 Skills Before Friendships 🌟

Before children can form meaningful friendships, they must develop a set of essential skills that lay the groundwork for successful social interactions. Understanding these skills can help parents support their children’s social growth and prepare them for future friendships.

Here are some key skills that children need to develop before embarking on their friendship journey:

💬 Communication Skills: Being able to express thoughts, feelings, and needs is crucial. Children need to learn how to share their ideas clearly and listen to others. Encouraging conversations at home can help build these skills.

💛 Emotional Awareness: Understanding their own emotions and recognising the feelings of others is vital for forming connections. When children can identify and express their emotions, they become more empathetic, which is key to building friendships.

🤗 Sharing and Taking Turns: Learning to share toys and take turns during play is fundamental. These skills not only help children engage in cooperative play but also teach them about fairness and cooperation.

💢 Problem-Solving: Conflict is a natural part of relationships. Children need to develop problem-solving skills to navigate disagreements with their peers. This includes negotiating, compromising, and finding solutions together.

👂 Listening Skills: Good friendships are built on mutual understanding. Children need to learn how to listen actively to their peers, which fosters better communication and strengthens their relationships.

⚪ Respect for Personal Space: Understanding boundaries is essential in friendships. Children should learn to respect the personal space of others, which helps them navigate social interactions more comfortably.

By nurturing these skills, parents can create a supportive environment that encourages their child’s social development. Engaging in playdates, role-playing scenarios, and open discussions can all contribute to building these essential skills.

#HSK #esfhillside #FriendshipSkills #ChildDevelopment #SocialSkills


🌟 Friendship 101: A Developmental Journey 🌟

Understanding friendship is a developmental process that unfolds over time. Just like any other skill, it takes children time to grasp the complexities of building and maintaining relationships. As parents, it’s important to recognise that acquiring these friendship skills is a gradual journey filled with learning opportunities.
At a young age, children may enjoy the company of others but might not yet engage in deep social interactions. This is completely normal!

In the coming weeks, we’ll explore various aspects of friendship and how they are closely linked to play skills. From parallel play to shared interests, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, we aim to provide insights into the developmental nature of friendships.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each of these aspects and discover how we can support our children’s social growth through playdates and open communication.

We hope you find these insights helpful! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #Friendships #PlaySkills #ChildDevelopment


Fantastic Sports Day! 🎉

A huge thank you to everyone for making our Sports Day such a success! The group spirit was high across many classes, with lots of happy faces and positive feedback all around.

A special shout-out goes to the @esf.explore sports coaches for their invaluable support and to our @esfbradburyschool PE teachers who came down to show their support. Your involvement truly enriched the day!

We appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and teamwork, making this event a memorable one for our children. Here’s to many more fun-filled activities ahead! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #SportsDay #CommunitySpirit


🌈 Celebrating Rare Disease Day Together! 🎉

We joined forces with @esfbradburyschool to celebrate Rare Disease Day! As many of you may know, one of our PE teacher’s child is living with a rare condition called Tay Sachs, and we wanted to show our support by coming together as a community.

We encouraged all children to dress in “Bright and Striped” clothes! Our rare disease mascot is a zebra, and its slogan is “Share Your Colours!” We filled the school with vibrant stripes to demonstrate our solidarity and raise awareness.

Thank you to everyone for your support in making a difference! 💖🦓

#esfhillside #RareDiseaseDay #ShareYourColours #CommunitySupport


🌟 Celebrating Our Amazing Staff! 🎉

We are incredibly proud of our outstanding team at HSK! A special shout-out goes to one of our talented Education Assistants, Barbara, who was recently featured at the ESF All-Staff Conference for her unwavering commitment, especially during the challenging times of COVID.

Barbara led Zoom ballet classes for our children, inspiring them “not to be afraid to take on a challenge.” Her passion for early education truly shines through, and we are so grateful to have her as part of our team.
Check out the video here to see her in action! 🎥

#HSK #esfhillside #StaffSpotlight #EarlyYearsCommunity


A Musical Day at Hillside! 🎶

What an incredible day of music and movement at Hillside thanks to the wonderful Ashley Benusa! Ashley, the music teacher at @beaconhillschool_hk and one of our amazing parent moms, spent the entire day with our children, leading them in singing, creative movement, and exploring instruments. Every class was buzzing with energy and joy! We’re so grateful for your passion and talent.

A special shoutout for the fantastic staff training – we’re all feeling inspired to bring even more musical fun to Hillside! Thank you, Ashley! 🎉🎵👏

#HSK #esfhillside #MusicAndMovement #CreativityisaMuscle


🧪🔬 Little Scientists in Action! 🔬🧪

Our little learners transformed into scientists for a fun and exciting incursion with Curiosity Kids! As part of the “How the World Works” unit, we donned lab coats and goggles, mixed colours, and even created mini explosions. This great provocation sparked our curiosity and got us thinking about how things work!

#HSK #esfhillside #CuriosityKids #IBPYP #HowTheWorldWorks #PlayBasedLearning #InquiryBasedLearning


K1s’ Exciting Adventures at Pamela Peck Discovery Space!

Our K1 students had a fantastic time at the Pamela Peck Discovery Space last week! They explored engaging, open-ended materials and enjoyed environments designed to spark curiosity, teamwork, and healthy risk-taking.

It was a wonderful chance for parents and caregivers to witness their children’s learning through play, understand how they interact with the world, and model the joy of discovery. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child‘s learning in action! 🌟

#HSK #esfhillside #playbasedlearning #parentengagement


🐶🐾 Pawsome Day with Mia! 🐾🐶

Our K1 and K2 students had a fantastic time learning all about dog safety with a special visit from Mia, a therapy dog from Rise Wise! We learned how to approach a dog in a friendly way, how to ask its owner permission to pet it, and Mia even showed us some of her amazing tricks! This fun incursion helped us develop the IB Learner Profile attribute of “caring” by teaching us how to interact with animals responsibly. What a paw-some day!

#HSK #esfhillside #RiseWise #TherapyDog #IBPYP #Caring


🌳🌎 Sharing the Planet with K2s! 🌎🌳

Our K2 explorers kicked off their “Sharing the Planet” unit with an exciting nature walk along Bowen Road! They were super curious inquirers, collecting all sorts of interesting artefacts they found along the way. Some children also noticed trash amongst the leaves and trees and wondered how it ended up there, and if it belonged in our beautiful natural spaces. What do you think? 🤔

#HSK #esfhillside #IBPYP #SharingThePlanet #BowenRoad #InquiryBasedLearning


🌟 Skills Before Friendships 🌟

Before children can form meaningful friendships, they must develop a set of essential skills that lay the groundwork for successful social interactions. Understanding these skills can help parents support their children’s social growth and prepare them for future friendships.

Here are some key skills that children need to develop before embarking on their friendship journey:

💬 Communication Skills: Being able to express thoughts, feelings, and needs is crucial. Children need to learn how to share their ideas clearly and listen to others. Encouraging conversations at home can help build these skills.

💛 Emotional Awareness: Understanding their own emotions and recognising the feelings of others is vital for forming connections. When children can identify and express their emotions, they become more empathetic, which is key to building friendships.

🤗 Sharing and Taking Turns: Learning to share toys and take turns during play is fundamental. These skills not only help children engage in cooperative play but also teach them about fairness and cooperation.

💢 Problem-Solving: Conflict is a natural part of relationships. Children need to develop problem-solving skills to navigate disagreements with their peers. This includes negotiating, compromising, and finding solutions together.

👂 Listening Skills: Good friendships are built on mutual understanding. Children need to learn how to listen actively to their peers, which fosters better communication and strengthens their relationships.

⚪ Respect for Personal Space: Understanding boundaries is essential in friendships. Children should learn to respect the personal space of others, which helps them navigate social interactions more comfortably.

By nurturing these skills, parents can create a supportive environment that encourages their child’s social development. Engaging in playdates, role-playing scenarios, and open discussions can all contribute to building these essential skills.

#HSK #esfhillside #FriendshipSkills #ChildDevelopment #SocialSkills


🌟 Friendship 101: A Developmental Journey 🌟

Understanding friendship is a developmental process that unfolds over time. Just like any other skill, it takes children time to grasp the complexities of building and maintaining relationships. As parents, it’s important to recognise that acquiring these friendship skills is a gradual journey filled with learning opportunities.
At a young age, children may enjoy the company of others but might not yet engage in deep social interactions. This is completely normal!

In the coming weeks, we’ll explore various aspects of friendship and how they are closely linked to play skills. From parallel play to shared interests, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, we aim to provide insights into the developmental nature of friendships.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each of these aspects and discover how we can support our children’s social growth through playdates and open communication.

We hope you find these insights helpful! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #Friendships #PlaySkills #ChildDevelopment


Fantastic Sports Day! 🎉

A huge thank you to everyone for making our Sports Day such a success! The group spirit was high across many classes, with lots of happy faces and positive feedback all around.

A special shout-out goes to the @esf.explore sports coaches for their invaluable support and to our @esfbradburyschool PE teachers who came down to show their support. Your involvement truly enriched the day!

We appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and teamwork, making this event a memorable one for our children. Here’s to many more fun-filled activities ahead! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #SportsDay #CommunitySpirit


🌈 Celebrating Rare Disease Day Together! 🎉

We joined forces with @esfbradburyschool to celebrate Rare Disease Day! As many of you may know, one of our PE teacher’s child is living with a rare condition called Tay Sachs, and we wanted to show our support by coming together as a community.

We encouraged all children to dress in “Bright and Striped” clothes! Our rare disease mascot is a zebra, and its slogan is “Share Your Colours!” We filled the school with vibrant stripes to demonstrate our solidarity and raise awareness.

Thank you to everyone for your support in making a difference! 💖🦓

#esfhillside #RareDiseaseDay #ShareYourColours #CommunitySupport


🌟 Celebrating Our Amazing Staff! 🎉

We are incredibly proud of our outstanding team at HSK! A special shout-out goes to one of our talented Education Assistants, Barbara, who was recently featured at the ESF All-Staff Conference for her unwavering commitment, especially during the challenging times of COVID.

Barbara led Zoom ballet classes for our children, inspiring them “not to be afraid to take on a challenge.” Her passion for early education truly shines through, and we are so grateful to have her as part of our team.
Check out the video here to see her in action! 🎥

#HSK #esfhillside #StaffSpotlight #EarlyYearsCommunity


A Musical Day at Hillside! 🎶

What an incredible day of music and movement at Hillside thanks to the wonderful Ashley Benusa! Ashley, the music teacher at @beaconhillschool_hk and one of our amazing parent moms, spent the entire day with our children, leading them in singing, creative movement, and exploring instruments. Every class was buzzing with energy and joy! We’re so grateful for your passion and talent.

A special shoutout for the fantastic staff training – we’re all feeling inspired to bring even more musical fun to Hillside! Thank you, Ashley! 🎉🎵👏

#HSK #esfhillside #MusicAndMovement #CreativityisaMuscle


🧪🔬 Little Scientists in Action! 🔬🧪

Our little learners transformed into scientists for a fun and exciting incursion with Curiosity Kids! As part of the “How the World Works” unit, we donned lab coats and goggles, mixed colours, and even created mini explosions. This great provocation sparked our curiosity and got us thinking about how things work!

#HSK #esfhillside #CuriosityKids #IBPYP #HowTheWorldWorks #PlayBasedLearning #InquiryBasedLearning


K1s’ Exciting Adventures at Pamela Peck Discovery Space!

Our K1 students had a fantastic time at the Pamela Peck Discovery Space last week! They explored engaging, open-ended materials and enjoyed environments designed to spark curiosity, teamwork, and healthy risk-taking.

It was a wonderful chance for parents and caregivers to witness their children’s learning through play, understand how they interact with the world, and model the joy of discovery. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child‘s learning in action! 🌟

#HSK #esfhillside #playbasedlearning #parentengagement


🐶🐾 Pawsome Day with Mia! 🐾🐶

Our K1 and K2 students had a fantastic time learning all about dog safety with a special visit from Mia, a therapy dog from Rise Wise! We learned how to approach a dog in a friendly way, how to ask its owner permission to pet it, and Mia even showed us some of her amazing tricks! This fun incursion helped us develop the IB Learner Profile attribute of “caring” by teaching us how to interact with animals responsibly. What a paw-some day!

#HSK #esfhillside #RiseWise #TherapyDog #IBPYP #Caring


🌳🌎 Sharing the Planet with K2s! 🌎🌳

Our K2 explorers kicked off their “Sharing the Planet” unit with an exciting nature walk along Bowen Road! They were super curious inquirers, collecting all sorts of interesting artefacts they found along the way. Some children also noticed trash amongst the leaves and trees and wondered how it ended up there, and if it belonged in our beautiful natural spaces. What do you think? 🤔

#HSK #esfhillside #IBPYP #SharingThePlanet #BowenRoad #InquiryBasedLearning


🌟 Skills Before Friendships 🌟

Before children can form meaningful friendships, they must develop a set of essential skills that lay the groundwork for successful social interactions. Understanding these skills can help parents support their children’s social growth and prepare them for future friendships.

Here are some key skills that children need to develop before embarking on their friendship journey:

💬 Communication Skills: Being able to express thoughts, feelings, and needs is crucial. Children need to learn how to share their ideas clearly and listen to others. Encouraging conversations at home can help build these skills.

💛 Emotional Awareness: Understanding their own emotions and recognising the feelings of others is vital for forming connections. When children can identify and express their emotions, they become more empathetic, which is key to building friendships.

🤗 Sharing and Taking Turns: Learning to share toys and take turns during play is fundamental. These skills not only help children engage in cooperative play but also teach them about fairness and cooperation.

💢 Problem-Solving: Conflict is a natural part of relationships. Children need to develop problem-solving skills to navigate disagreements with their peers. This includes negotiating, compromising, and finding solutions together.

👂 Listening Skills: Good friendships are built on mutual understanding. Children need to learn how to listen actively to their peers, which fosters better communication and strengthens their relationships.

⚪ Respect for Personal Space: Understanding boundaries is essential in friendships. Children should learn to respect the personal space of others, which helps them navigate social interactions more comfortably.

By nurturing these skills, parents can create a supportive environment that encourages their child’s social development. Engaging in playdates, role-playing scenarios, and open discussions can all contribute to building these essential skills.

#HSK #esfhillside #FriendshipSkills #ChildDevelopment #SocialSkills


🌟 Friendship 101: A Developmental Journey 🌟

Understanding friendship is a developmental process that unfolds over time. Just like any other skill, it takes children time to grasp the complexities of building and maintaining relationships. As parents, it’s important to recognise that acquiring these friendship skills is a gradual journey filled with learning opportunities.
At a young age, children may enjoy the company of others but might not yet engage in deep social interactions. This is completely normal!

In the coming weeks, we’ll explore various aspects of friendship and how they are closely linked to play skills. From parallel play to shared interests, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, we aim to provide insights into the developmental nature of friendships.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each of these aspects and discover how we can support our children’s social growth through playdates and open communication.

We hope you find these insights helpful! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #Friendships #PlaySkills #ChildDevelopment


Fantastic Sports Day! 🎉

A huge thank you to everyone for making our Sports Day such a success! The group spirit was high across many classes, with lots of happy faces and positive feedback all around.

A special shout-out goes to the @esf.explore sports coaches for their invaluable support and to our @esfbradburyschool PE teachers who came down to show their support. Your involvement truly enriched the day!

We appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and teamwork, making this event a memorable one for our children. Here’s to many more fun-filled activities ahead! 💖

#HSK #esfhillside #SportsDay #CommunitySpirit


🌈 Celebrating Rare Disease Day Together! 🎉

We joined forces with @esfbradburyschool to celebrate Rare Disease Day! As many of you may know, one of our PE teacher’s child is living with a rare condition called Tay Sachs, and we wanted to show our support by coming together as a community.

We encouraged all children to dress in “Bright and Striped” clothes! Our rare disease mascot is a zebra, and its slogan is “Share Your Colours!” We filled the school with vibrant stripes to demonstrate our solidarity and raise awareness.

Thank you to everyone for your support in making a difference! 💖🦓

#esfhillside #RareDiseaseDay #ShareYourColours #CommunitySupport


🌟 Celebrating Our Amazing Staff! 🎉

We are incredibly proud of our outstanding team at HSK! A special shout-out goes to one of our talented Education Assistants, Barbara, who was recently featured at the ESF All-Staff Conference for her unwavering commitment, especially during the challenging times of COVID.

Barbara led Zoom ballet classes for our children, inspiring them “not to be afraid to take on a challenge.” Her passion for early education truly shines through, and we are so grateful to have her as part of our team.
Check out the video here to see her in action! 🎥

#HSK #esfhillside #StaffSpotlight #EarlyYearsCommunity


A Musical Day at Hillside! 🎶

What an incredible day of music and movement at Hillside thanks to the wonderful Ashley Benusa! Ashley, the music teacher at @beaconhillschool_hk and one of our amazing parent moms, spent the entire day with our children, leading them in singing, creative movement, and exploring instruments. Every class was buzzing with energy and joy! We’re so grateful for your passion and talent.

A special shoutout for the fantastic staff training – we’re all feeling inspired to bring even more musical fun to Hillside! Thank you, Ashley! 🎉🎵👏

#HSK #esfhillside #MusicAndMovement #CreativityisaMuscle

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